Required Documents for Application
1. Formal application letter to Setiausaha Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri dan Penyelidikan (HEDNP), Jabatan Ketua Menteri negeri Sabah
2. Letter of Authority (LOA)
3. Scan of MyKad/Passport for applicant and each Pilot and flying crew
4. Competency Evidence for Pilot (if any)
5. Copy of Trading License for Company/Business/Organization
6. List of locations and location maps where flying and/or picture/video taking activities will be carried out (Provide Coordinate E&N/ Long. Lat.)
7. List of cameras/drones and pictures (including pictures of serial numbers) of the cameras/drones to be used in the activity
8. Formal application/ covering letter to Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur negeri Sabah
9. Completed LSF.7038 form (From Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur)
10. A copy of the authorization letter from the department, agency, or company involved in the filming/data acquisition process (in any)
11. A letter from Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) (in any)
12. Any other relevant document (if any)
*all documents are required unless stated otherwise